Keston Church of England Primary School

Year 6

"Having responsibilities in Year 6 makes us really independent. I am really looking forward to he Isle of Wight trip as it will be a great experience with my friends. Everyone is welcoming and friendly at Keston."

- Year 6 Pupil

Year 6 is the final year of Key Stage 2, with plenty of rewards and fun activities to look forward to. 

In Year 6, we begin the journey of Secondary Transfer and are encouraged to become independent and reliable. Every child has a role or responsibility to fulfil in and around the school such as: Worship Leaders, Junior Travel Ambassadors, Chicken monitors, House Point monitors and many more! In addition to this, our Year 6 pupils can be elected by our peers to become School Council Representatives and Head Pupils. We are buddies to the Reception children and support them as they begin their education journey at Keston.  Furthermore, there are countless opportunities to represent the school in special events, sports teams, drama productions and musical activities: the school competes in a wide variety of sports, the Rock Steady music groups perform and the school choir sing in school and at public events, including the Young Voices Concert at the O2. 

We have many trips and visitors linked to our topics and transition including TFL, Junior Citizens Scheme, The Tower of London and our residential trip to the Isle of Wight. 

Year 6 work hard towards the SATs in May. 

If you have any questions at all, please email us at

The Year 6 Team

Mrs O’Brien (Teacher)

Mrs Golding (Teaching Assistant)


Curriculum Objectives

Long Term Plan

Knowledge Organisers


The United Kingdom


Crime and Punishment







Living Things and their Habitats

The Circulatory System
